

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

O little bud......

O little bud, why do you want to dry and fall
Even before you are a flower?
Why do you want to quit this earth
Leaving behind, the shower?

With a hope of living it fully,
Had you come to this earth.
Then why are you leaving it half way,
Just by looking at its mirth?

If you think you are ignored,
And nobody else loves you,
Then just try to turn around,
And look at the plant that holds you.

Look at the breeze that comes to you
To keep you cool and calm
The rivers quench your thirst
They want you no harm.

Why do you wish to leave away
The ones who care for you
And just do you allow the devil
To take a grasp on you?

Why don’t you understand this
That by just killing yourself,
You also kill so many hearts
Which beat thinking of you??

Just don’t part with your loved ones
Before God wants you to.
Trust me, you leave behind cries
And sorrows and pains too.

O little bud, I beg my heart of you
Just stay back and blossom.
Life still has lot of store for you
That’s really good and awesome.
 r e a l l y      g o o d      a n d      a w e s o m e . . . . . .

( A prayer to the section of youth which commits suicide every now and then...)