

Sunday, 21 August 2011


भारत की धरती पर आज भी
रेँगते हैँ कुछ अनोखे चोर।
सभ्य जनोँ के वेश धारण कर
ले चलते देश को बर्बादी की ओर।
दीमक के कीड़े की भाँति
नहीँ होने देते शोर।
चुपचाप, देश को अन्दर ही अन्दर
खोखला करते हैँ घुसखोर!

खून व पसीने बहाकर
एक-एक पैसा कमाते लोग।
उस पैसे पर ताक जमाये
बैठे रहते हैँ घुसखोर।

अपने स्वास्थ्य की फ़िक्र न कर
रात-भर की नीँद त्यागकर
कामयाबी के सपने लेकर
अध्ययन करते हैँ जो छात्र,
उनके अरमानोँ को रौँदकर
लाखोँ रुपये की रिश्वत लेकर
कम अंक प्राप्त किये छात्र को
भरती लेते हैँ कालेज घुसखोर।

अमीर हैँ बनते अधिक अमीर
गरीब बनते और गरीब!
जब अमीर रिश्वत देकर
आगे निकल जाते हैँ,
गरीब अपने सर पटकते
पीछे ही रह जाते हैँ।
वे कुछ कर नहीँ पाते हैँ,
सिर्फ मचाते हैँ शोर-
"अब इस दुनिया मेँ नहीँ है जीना...
यहाँ भरे हैँ सब घुसखोर!!"

शरीफ़ व मासूम लोगोँ पर
लगते ज़ुर्म का आरोप।
खुद ज़ुर्म कर बच निकलते ज़ुर्मी,
निर्दोष पर रहता सज़ा का प्रकोप।
ऐसा इस लिए होता है
कि ज़ुर्मी रिश्वत देते हैँ।
पाप के पैसे लेकर खुद को
बेच देते पुलिस घुसखोर।

ईमानदार अफ़सर या गरीब किसान....
मेहनती छात्र या कोई भी सच्चा इन्सान
आज जीते हैँ दुभर जीवन।
घुसखोरोँ की टोली मेँ
चूर-चूर हो जाते उनके अरमान।

भारत की धरती पर आज भी
हो रहा ऐसा अन्याय।
न्याय के मन्दिरोँ मेँ भी
मिलते हैँ अनेक घुसखोर!!
अब हमेँ उठानी है आवाज़
देनी है अब अपनी राय।
देश की उन्नति के लिए
लाना है एक नया मोड़॥
रहना है हमेँ यह ज्ञात
भारत आज भी हमारी है।
हमेँ ही अब आगे बढ़कर
इसकी लाज बचानी है॥

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Love people, not money

The world is marching towards its doom....
For the good, there is very small room....
Hearts of people are coveted by devils....
Money is becoming the cause of all evils..!!

Be it sports, art or education,
Money is becoming the main intention.
Business has become the main occupation.
Money is causing our separation.

Selfishness is present in every soul.
It is playing a great role.
They will take your help in times of need,
And forget you on reaching their goal.

Deep in my heart, there is a sorrow....
What will happen then, tomorrow?
Will the world become a second hell?
Its indeed painful to think, or tell.

Time is still there in our hands....
O humans, please change your thoughts!
Love people, not money nor greed!
Don't make money your caste or creed!!!

And you'll see the earth getting changed
To a more beautiful and heavenly place.
You will yourself receive the human love,
That money has never given you.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Tribute to The Shining Star

The Shining Star had come down on earth
And looked for a place to land.
He saw a place full of mirth.....
Our struggling and weeping motherland.

The shining star took a human form
And took birth in our motherland.
This mighty heart and great soul
Was born in Jorasako, in Bengal.

Neither a fighter, nor a politician,
Still regarded a gem of the Nation.
Pen was but his only weapon
To fight for India's freedom.

He saw the cry of the poor peasants
And the social evils spread around.
When He included them in his writings,
His words made the readers spellbound.

Finally his writings' every word
Really proved mightier than sword.
He became the Hero of the Indians.
His works became popular even in foreign.

But being a true Indian by heart,
He decided to work for India's good.
He didn't accept the foreign awards,
And disowned the title of knighthood.

Great was the Heavenly soul and heart....
Great is his contribution to Earth.
His thousands of poems are like flowing river.
He had indeed come once, but will stay forever.

Though this star is no more on Earth,
And has become a star once again,
Yet he has left his footprints here
For others to get the gain.

Today, in the day of 25th Baisakh,
The great day when he was born,
Lets all assemble in a group,
In order to pay him some tribute.

(dedicated to Rabindranath Tagore, my source of inspiration).

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The tiny candle

The entire room has become dark
And is now coveted by devils.
But one small corner is an exception.....
It's devoid of every evil.

A tiny candle burns there,
Its light being too less to spread far.
Its wax has almost come to its end.
Its burning like a tiny star.

But amidst the darkness, one can feel
Thousand young candles ready to bloom.
But no light has given them life
To get the chance to enlighten the room.

The tiny candle sees everything,
And collects its remaining wax in a bundle.
It tries its best to increase its flame....
Large enough to reach those young candles.

The tiny candle knows very well
That it has not much wax to burn.
If it uses all its wax,
It will lose its life in turn.

But in order to increase its flame,
It has to use up all its wax.
It can neither stop nor wait.
To cut the darkness, its flame is the axe.

Closer and closer comes the wax,
And higher and higher goes its flame.
Weaker and weaker becomes its body.
Its sight too becomes the same.

"Burn, O wax, burn more.....
Brighten the flame from its core",
Says the candle with a feeble voice,
"This would help cure a thousand sore".

And then the last drop of wax burns,
And the flame does brightly spread,
Reaching the nearest young candle,
That's waiting to enlighten its thread.

The young candle gets a new light,
And burns brightly with great delight.
It also burns the other young candles.
Against the darkness, they actively fight.

Soon the entire room gets lighted.
All the devils get burnt in the flames
Of those thousand burning young candles.
The corpses of the devils scatter here and there.

But among the corpses of those devils,
There is yet another corpse.
This one is different from the other ones....
It seems not a cursed, but a holy one.

The corpse has a tiny burnt thread,
But not a drop of wax around.
To prove its greatness, the tiny candle,
Had left no proof to be found.


(dedicated to those great people who care for the nation more than their own selves)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

I'm just a Vagabond......

It's loneliness that my heart features....
I'm lost in this world, a maze of creatures.
I look not for honey, but for some peace and harmony....
I'm just a vagabond, searching my destiny!!

I find this world a big questionnaire....
And for me, seldom does anybody care.
I've to be alone throughout my journey.....
I'm just a vagabond, searching my destiny!!

My aims are slain, and my dreams crucified....
I do find myself as if I'm tied.
I'm not caged, but still not free....
I'm just a vagabond, searching my destiny!!

Attempts for freedom have gone futile....
Being hungry, I can't stay for a while.
I'm in darkness, waiting for it to be sunny.....
I'm just a vagabond, searching my destiny!!

(written amidst my ISC exams)


Sunday, 13 February 2011

O Love.....

O Love, you are wonderful....
Your beauty is just admirable.
Your power destroys hatred's every fence....
You are the cause of the world's existence.

A big battle that's fought for ages,
Can be controlled by you in minutes.
That house where there is your presence,
Is a palace even if its a hut.

O love, just spread yourself around this earth,
Which longs for your caress.
Your divine touch takes away all mirth,
And leaves behind just happiness.

The world today is scarce of you,
And your siblings, concern and care.
Those who get you, are very few.
Please let each one get one's share.

O love, just be in the actions of people,
So that their every deed be noble.
Don't hide yourself, use your beauty
To beautify this world, leave nothing empty.

"Amor, Amor....., I need thee more......
Thou canst cure my every sore",
This is the cry of the world today,
Which is full of pain and dismay.

O love, go deep in the peoples' heart....
Be present in the blood in their veins.
Let them do good in every case,
And make this world a better place.


(Valentine's day special)

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Keep this tricolour always high

Keep this tricolour always high.....
In this free air let it always fly,
And prove that India's land is free.....
Its now ruled by no enemy.

Look back to that Indian Age
Which is now in History's page.
India was not free that time.....
She had to face terror and crime.

Several Indians had come forward.....
They fought and suffered martyrdom,
And left us to enjoy the reward.....
The great reward of freedom.

And this tricolour that you see here,
Represents our motherland's democracy.
It also hides within itself
All those freedom fighters' history.

So, just show the world that India's free,
And keep those martyrs' memories fresh.
Make India grow and touch the sky.....
And keep this tricolour always high.
