

Thursday, 8 June 2017

না, আমি তোমাকে ভুলিনি...

না, আমি তোমাকে ভুলিনি,
না ভুলেছি সেই দিনগুলি
যখন রাত জাগার কারণ
আমার অফিস ছিলো না।
তুমি এখন ব্যস্ত
আমি হয়তো তোমার চেয়েও বেশি।
তবুও, সময় যতটুকু পাই,
অধিকাংশ তো
সেই স্মৃতিগুলিই কেড়ে নেয়।
মেট্রো গেটের বাইরে
সেই প্রথম তোমাকে দ্যাখা,
তার পর, নিলভ সরোবরের পাশে বসে
কত না কথা বলা...
না, আমি ভুলিনি।
হেরিটেজের সেই গার্লিক চিকেন
তুমি তো কিছুই খেলে না।
সব আমার পাতে দিয়ে বললে,
আমি নিজেই নাকি কিছু খাচ্ছি না।
তোমার কি মনে আছে..?
বাড়ি ফেরার পর
শুরু হলো আবার সেই ব্যস্ত জীবন।
তুমি, ও আমি কাজের মাঝে
কোথায় আবার হারিয়ে গেলাম।
তুমি তো চিরদিন আমার মনের ভেতরে থাকো।
আমি কি ঠিক সেই ভাবেই
থাকি তোমার মনে?
তা জেনে অবশ্য আমার লাভ কি?
আমি তো তোমাকে মনে করেই খুশি।


Thursday, 12 March 2015

Lost in the woods...

We walked hand in hand in the woods.
We- you and me- chatted endlessly,
At times without caring what the world thought.
We cut jokes on every small thing,
and laughed like anything.
I stared at your laughing face and you innocently asked,
'what happened? Is there anything on my face?'
Realising my mistake I said 'nothing'.

And a time came when you wept out all your troubles
that life had caused you at every point,
while I took the opportunity to wipe your tears,
And tried to make you laugh,
narrating the silliest things I had done in life.
You laughed, and I stared at your face once again.

And then...You suddenly left my hand.
And the next moment, made a distance.
Day by day, this distance increased.
And today, the distance is so much that I can say...
You are lost....
You are lost in the woods,
Or maybe I myself am lost without your presence.

Today, I roam helplessly amidst the same woods,
the same greenery and under the same blue sky.
Anyone who watches me feels I am not alone.
The elements of nature are my companions.
What they don't know is that
Those elements are busy in their own worlds.
The trees dance happily with the moving winds
Leaving me to just walk abruptly wherever my steps take me
Like some lonesome drunkard.

At times, when I recall the memories you have left behind,
I roll back to the places we had walked together
Where I sit and caress your footprints.
Imagining your presence there, I ask...
'Why did you go away? What fault had I done?'
Only to find silence as the answer.
From somewhere in the woods, a stranger notices it.
He comes from behind and asks me,
'You have a number of beings around you
who love and care for you.
Why do you feel her loss so much?'
I turn back and reply-
'You don't know, my friend,
even the vast sea feels the loss of sweet water.'

(dedicated to somebody)

Friday, 28 December 2012

Story of the Little Birdie

It was a fine golden time
Which was expected for nine months
When the tiny egg got hatched
And the little birdie came to earth.

‘Welcome,’ said mummy, with a smile on her face
And a tear of happiness rolling down her eye.
‘My daughter is a princess,’ said papa
As he took her in his lap.
She brought a glaze in every face
Who had been waiting for this day.
She cried a baby’s cry
But made a hundred faces smile.

And thus the days kept passing by.
The birdie now went to school.
She got many friends who were like her
Together, they fluttered around in joy.

She became a pet of her teachers
And was the life of her parents.
She was a darling of her brother
And a pride of her friend-circle.

The little birdie saw her mother.
Like her she wanted to fly.
She fluttered her wings, tried and tried
Fell down, got hurt, cried, and again tried.

And then one fine morning,
She could see herself fly.
She flew around and sang around
And danced around with great joy.
Her loved ones watched her from the ground
‘Our birdie has grown so big,’ they were spellbound.

The birdie, now a little bigger
Saw her father struggling so hard.
She had a wish to stand on her feet
She wanted to give her best
And be the ‘man’ of the nest.

While on other hand she had a dream
A prince birdie would marry her.
He’d take her to his kingdom,
And they’d stay happy forever.

And one evening
When she was flying happily with her friends,
Some eagles saw her from a distance.
Not her, but her feathers.

And when the birdie was alone,
They took a chance and pounced on her.
She couldn’t understand anything.
She was too innocent to get them.

And when she finally knew everything,
It was too late. Too late.
She cried. She wanted to run away.
But all her struggles went in vain.

The hungry eagles didn’t show mercy.
They bit and ate her every feather.
They crushed her body, played her innocence
And also her dreams and ambitions.

When she was found by safe people,
She was already half dead.
But still her feeble tongue said,
‘I want to live, I want to live.’

And then there were agitations around
They wanted the eagles to be slain down.
They prayed for the birdie’s recovery.
Although they knew, she couldn’t fly like before.

Back in the hospital, the little birdie
Was ignorant of all this.
She kept fighting for her life.
Her determination was always alive.

But the deities of heaven wanted her back.
They, perhaps, didn’t want her
To be with the bruises.
So they called her back to heaven,
Where she got healed, and flew once again.
Today she has no cuts, and no fears.
She’s playing with the other angels like her.

When she was born, there were a hundred smiles
And when she is gone, there are a million cries.
India has, no doubt, lost a gem.
But her martyrdom has indeed set a big flame.

(May she always Rest in Peace)

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

O little bud......

O little bud, why do you want to dry and fall
Even before you are a flower?
Why do you want to quit this earth
Leaving behind, the shower?

With a hope of living it fully,
Had you come to this earth.
Then why are you leaving it half way,
Just by looking at its mirth?

If you think you are ignored,
And nobody else loves you,
Then just try to turn around,
And look at the plant that holds you.

Look at the breeze that comes to you
To keep you cool and calm
The rivers quench your thirst
They want you no harm.

Why do you wish to leave away
The ones who care for you
And just do you allow the devil
To take a grasp on you?

Why don’t you understand this
That by just killing yourself,
You also kill so many hearts
Which beat thinking of you??

Just don’t part with your loved ones
Before God wants you to.
Trust me, you leave behind cries
And sorrows and pains too.

O little bud, I beg my heart of you
Just stay back and blossom.
Life still has lot of store for you
That’s really good and awesome.
 r e a l l y      g o o d      a n d      a w e s o m e . . . . . .

( A prayer to the section of youth which commits suicide every now and then...)

Monday, 13 February 2012

Yes, it is love

It's the island of serenity;
An arena full of trust.
An edifice of tranquility....
Yes, it is love.

It's a gift to the mortals on earth;
A beauty in itself.
A call from the bottom of one's heart....
Yes, it is love.

It's a promise to keep one happy, always;
To be by one's side forever.
it's always backed by hope and faith....
Yes, it is love.

You can't tie it with ropes of caste nor creed;
It's as free as a flting dove.
It's blind of every human barrier....
Yes, it is love.

The world often takes it as bad stuff;
But a true lover knows its purity.
A remedy for all the hate and mirth....
Yes, it is love.

(Valentine's day 2012 special)

Sunday, 21 August 2011


भारत की धरती पर आज भी
रेँगते हैँ कुछ अनोखे चोर।
सभ्य जनोँ के वेश धारण कर
ले चलते देश को बर्बादी की ओर।
दीमक के कीड़े की भाँति
नहीँ होने देते शोर।
चुपचाप, देश को अन्दर ही अन्दर
खोखला करते हैँ घुसखोर!

खून व पसीने बहाकर
एक-एक पैसा कमाते लोग।
उस पैसे पर ताक जमाये
बैठे रहते हैँ घुसखोर।

अपने स्वास्थ्य की फ़िक्र न कर
रात-भर की नीँद त्यागकर
कामयाबी के सपने लेकर
अध्ययन करते हैँ जो छात्र,
उनके अरमानोँ को रौँदकर
लाखोँ रुपये की रिश्वत लेकर
कम अंक प्राप्त किये छात्र को
भरती लेते हैँ कालेज घुसखोर।

अमीर हैँ बनते अधिक अमीर
गरीब बनते और गरीब!
जब अमीर रिश्वत देकर
आगे निकल जाते हैँ,
गरीब अपने सर पटकते
पीछे ही रह जाते हैँ।
वे कुछ कर नहीँ पाते हैँ,
सिर्फ मचाते हैँ शोर-
"अब इस दुनिया मेँ नहीँ है जीना...
यहाँ भरे हैँ सब घुसखोर!!"

शरीफ़ व मासूम लोगोँ पर
लगते ज़ुर्म का आरोप।
खुद ज़ुर्म कर बच निकलते ज़ुर्मी,
निर्दोष पर रहता सज़ा का प्रकोप।
ऐसा इस लिए होता है
कि ज़ुर्मी रिश्वत देते हैँ।
पाप के पैसे लेकर खुद को
बेच देते पुलिस घुसखोर।

ईमानदार अफ़सर या गरीब किसान....
मेहनती छात्र या कोई भी सच्चा इन्सान
आज जीते हैँ दुभर जीवन।
घुसखोरोँ की टोली मेँ
चूर-चूर हो जाते उनके अरमान।

भारत की धरती पर आज भी
हो रहा ऐसा अन्याय।
न्याय के मन्दिरोँ मेँ भी
मिलते हैँ अनेक घुसखोर!!
अब हमेँ उठानी है आवाज़
देनी है अब अपनी राय।
देश की उन्नति के लिए
लाना है एक नया मोड़॥
रहना है हमेँ यह ज्ञात
भारत आज भी हमारी है।
हमेँ ही अब आगे बढ़कर
इसकी लाज बचानी है॥

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Love people, not money

The world is marching towards its doom....
For the good, there is very small room....
Hearts of people are coveted by devils....
Money is becoming the cause of all evils..!!

Be it sports, art or education,
Money is becoming the main intention.
Business has become the main occupation.
Money is causing our separation.

Selfishness is present in every soul.
It is playing a great role.
They will take your help in times of need,
And forget you on reaching their goal.

Deep in my heart, there is a sorrow....
What will happen then, tomorrow?
Will the world become a second hell?
Its indeed painful to think, or tell.

Time is still there in our hands....
O humans, please change your thoughts!
Love people, not money nor greed!
Don't make money your caste or creed!!!

And you'll see the earth getting changed
To a more beautiful and heavenly place.
You will yourself receive the human love,
That money has never given you.